If you’re running a business, then you probably have a Facebook page that you are also running in conjunction with it. If so, then good job! However, since we’re still on the subject of social media, then here’s one thing that you should probably consider also opening an account for: Instagram.
Yes, we’re aware that Instagram has already gained a “reputation” of sorts from many people here because of the fact that the app solely exists to glorify whatever is their cameras are pointed on. And you know what that means? There are people there on Instagram—people who may not be AWARE of what your business is yet!
Of course, if that doesn’t still convince you why you need to get on Instagram, then here are some reasons below on why you need to do so! Read below for more!
1. It’s highly visual—more so than Facebook
If you’ve been managing your business for a long time now, then it can be easy to view Instagram—or even Facebook—as something that is nothing more than a “fad”. However, unlike past social networks that have been doomed to irrelevance, the creators behind Facebook and Instagram know how to leverage the elements that brought them to prominence in the first place, all while introducing enough innovative tricks to make them relevant for many years to come. For Instagram, this happens to be images.
And really, if there is one thing that people of today like on their social media feeds, then it’s pictures—loads and loads of them. That’s reason enough to sign up for Instagram
2. It makes everything about your business look fun
To be fair, that’s what social media is for: it allows your business to look cooler from the outside. However, simply posting your pictures on Facebook can seem too workmanlike—it’s serviceable, but it’s hardly anything that will grab attention.
Contrast this with the tools you’re afforded with Instagram: it has filters, rule-of-nine grids, and everything that will assist you in taking that perfect shot. In a way, this allows you to take beautiful shots that you’re not actually ashamed of posting on a public account. Cool, eh?
“Crowdsourcing” is actually a viable marketing tool that’s inherent in social media nowadays. However, Instagram takes the whole thing a step further by allowing users a chance to share photos and videos that are centered around a business or brand. In a way, Instagram takes the concept of crowdsourcing in a more immersive level; in turn, it allows for a stronger brand penetration, and you can potentially end up with more loyal customers!
So, are you convinced that Instagram can help you with your business? Well then, let us hear what other tools you are using for promoting your business in the comments section below!
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